
Showing posts from June, 2018

Stuck on Stain? Here's What to Do!

Whether doing the laundry is something you enjoy or not, it is a fact of life. And so are stains! So here's a how to tackle some of the most common laundry stains: Adhesives: Very difficult to remove once dry. Pick off excess, saturate with Dominant Liquid Pre-Wash Spray , allow to act for 10 mins, before laundering. Beetroot: For best results, immediately rinse under cold water , and wash if fresh. Old stains may require soaking in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water . Blood: For fresh stains rinse with cold water , then soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes. Then wash in a laundry detergent of your choice.  For old set stains, soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm water for at least a couple of hours, before laundering. As they are typical more difficult to remove, hot water washing may be required for very stubborn stains, or repeated soaking and washing.  Butter/Fat/Oil/Grease: ...