
How to Control the Spread of Germs in your Laundry

Winter. It's the time of snow, rain and icy cold winds. Oh, and cold & flu season! Yay!! So, besides getting the flu jab and overdosing on vitamin C and zinc, how can you prevent germs running riot in your household? A good system of prevention and management can make a difference. While regularly washing hands and sanitizing hard surfaces may readily come to mind in this regard, we may not think about the fabric surfaces we regularly come into contact. (think, towels, soft-furnishings, clothing, soft-toys, etc) These too, can be sources of transmission in cases of infection. So how can we deal with these potential sources of reinfection? Just wash it hot, you might say. That's certainly what we've been taught to do for generations, but does that still hold true? THE FACTS:   The simple answer is no. Contrary to popular belief, washing hot in regular laundry powder will  not   remove most moulds and other organisms that cause skin & respirator...

Stuck on Stain? Here's What to Do!

Whether doing the laundry is something you enjoy or not, it is a fact of life. And so are stains! So here's a how to tackle some of the most common laundry stains: Adhesives: Very difficult to remove once dry. Pick off excess, saturate with Dominant Liquid Pre-Wash Spray , allow to act for 10 mins, before laundering. Beetroot: For best results, immediately rinse under cold water , and wash if fresh. Old stains may require soaking in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm to hot water . Blood: For fresh stains rinse with cold water , then soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in cold water for at least 30 minutes. Then wash in a laundry detergent of your choice.  For old set stains, soak in Dominant Booster & Soak in warm water for at least a couple of hours, before laundering. As they are typical more difficult to remove, hot water washing may be required for very stubborn stains, or repeated soaking and washing.  Butter/Fat/Oil/Grease: ...

Do you Know the Difference Between Cleaning & Sanitation?

These days we all know about germs. Even young children know about germs and why they should avoid them. Yet, how often do we actually think about how clean something really is? In all likelihood, probably not that often, as if we did we'd likely spend most of each day cleaning! Being part of the natural world, it's hard to escape the bacteria and fungi surrounding us. Thankfully though, the vast majority of these 'germs' are actually beneficial for us and are actually necessary to keep us healthy (think, gut health). Having said that, there is still an obvious need to get rid of the germs that could potentially harm us. So the question is, how we can make sure something is really clean? Well, it simply comes down to two things - having the right cleaning  method and   using the right cleaning product for the job. For the purpose of simplicity, this article will not go into details about specific products and methods for each cleaning job, but will rather di...

Do you know where what you buy comes from?

With a seemly ever-growing number of household cleaning, laundry personal care products being added to supermarket shelves, it's no wonder finding the right product can become a little overwhelming at times - especially for those striving to make environmentally-sound shopping choices! Besides knowing what a product contains, many also consider where it comes from and who ultimately benefit from it's sale. Confusingly many brands give the impression of being 'Australian' simply because they manufacture all or some of their product in Australia - when in fact, many are owned by massive overseas corporations, that in turn, feed money back to their shareholders. If this is something of concern to you, you might be interested in the following summary I've put together. Given the number of brands on the market now, this is by no means a comprehensive list. However, hopefully you might nonetheless find it of help in your shopping decision making. Please check...

How Your Choices as a Consumer Make a Difference

By now you have likely heard of the expression 'Shop Local' or 'Buy Local',  but have you ever stopped to consider what it really means, or if it's even something you should think about? If not, you may find the following of interest to you. Simply put, to ' Shop Local ' is to have a preference to purchase locally produced goods over those produced farther away. The definition of 'local' can be different to different people. Some may strive to only purchase items from the immediate local community of which they're part of; others feel buying items produced and manufactured in the country of which they're part of more reasonable. In the end, the main objectives are the same - to support the local community/country of which they are part of, in particular the small businesses/manufacturers selling and producing the goods: to support the local economy and maintain jobs; and to reduce unnecessary transportation of goods, thereby reducing...

Are You Making This Common Laundry Mistake?

Not so long ago the majority of Australians used twin tub washing machines to do their laundry. Now more and more households are moving away from tops loader washing machines and choosing front loaders instead as they use less power and water and are generally acknowledged as better for the environment. In fact, according to Savewater Alliance Inc. a front loader machine can use up to 70% - or 36,000 litres less water than a top loader per year for a typical household! However, one of the most common complaints about front loaders is that a full wash cycle can take up to 2 hours or more. Of course, the reason for the lengthy wash time comes down to energy efficiency. In order to achieve a lower energy usage the washing time has to be increased and laundry has to be agitated for longer to achieve the same super-clean results. But what do you do when you need something washed in a hurry? Or you don't want to spend most of the day doing the laundry? That's when the 'QUIC...